Somos Mayfair Yoga & Wellness
Service Description
Welcome to Somos Mayfair Yoga & Wellness 6 month program! This offering includes 12 live online sessions where you will be guided through the fundamentals of Yoga to promote mind body wellness and to inspire a healthy vibrant lifestyle. Focus of the sessions: - Gently stretching to alleviate stiffness and tension - Mindful slow flow to regenerate the energy in the body - Breathing techniques to help calm the nervous system - Stationary supported postures to progressively relax the muscles in the body - Guidance for activating your body’s natural relaxation response Additionally, Yoga helps to improve flexibility, promotes spine health, strengthens mobility, improves focus and concentration, and helps restore harmony for mind body and spirit. This class is for beginners and all levels. No experience required. To prepare, you will need the following props: - Yoga mat, 2 blocks, 1 strap - 2 towels or throw pillows Other suggestions to keep in mind: - Do not eat heavy 2 hours prior to class - Dress comfortably to allow mobility - Please silence your phones - Join 5-10 minutes prior to class to enjoy The Yoga Lounge - Relax and enjoy the sessions! Are you ready to come to your happy place? Can't wait to see you on the mat! Namaste
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